Learn more about Midhurst
Read about the rich history of our community.
Midhurst is a charming rural village in the heart of Springwater Township. Located in central Ontario, Midhurst is home to about 2,600 residents and multiple community amenities and facilities. Our community has a rich pioneer history, originally founded by a small number of residents who opened several mills on Willow Creek in the 1820's. Since then, Midhurst has grown into a rural residential village, now hosting several stores, recreation facilities, and an elementary school. The name 'Midhurst" derives from the town of Midhurst in southern England, the home town of many early residents. Midhurst was originally called Oliver's Mills after George Oliver, one of the original mill owners. Interested in learning more about the history of Midhurst? Check out our book, Memories of Midhurst.

The Midhurst Community Recreation Association (formerly the Midhurst Hall Board) is the largest volunteer organization in Midhurst. Run by a volunteer board of directors, our association plans numerous yearly community events, spearheads community intiatives, and seeks to improve life in our village. Interested in joining our association? Click here.